2024 Head of the Hooch Sign Ups

Head of the Hooch 2024 will be returning on November 2-3, 2024. For those of you not familiar with this event, it’s hailed as the “last of the great fall regattas” – about 20,000 athletes, families, and support staff are in attendance along the riverfront to host one of the largest rowing gatherings in the nation. It’s a great way to showcase Chattanooga, and it’s always a favorite event.

The air is crisp, the athletes incredible, and seeing a thousand rowing hulls on the water is stunning. And the Market plays a key role in providing arts, crafts and concessions for the event, all weekend long!

The general format will be arts/crafts/prepared foods on the aquarium plaza – River Market style on the Saturday of the event – and food trucks on Chestnut street for both Saturday and Sunday. Sign Ups for arts & crafts and prepared food vendors will begin at midnight tomorrow evening. They can be found on Sign Up Genius by following the link below.

Food Trucks have already been chosen for the event, but if you’d like to be an alternate, go ahead and email the help desk to be added to the wait list.

Sign Up!

The event begins Saturday before dawn, and continues until dusk – tens of thousands of hungry people will want coffee, food and other distractions. For that reason, we’re starting the market early. Roll call will be at 7 am that morning, and crowds won’t start to die down until closer to 6 pm. It’s a long day, but it’s worth it - you’ve got a captive audience and we see some of our best sales of the year that day!

This event is only for previously approved vendors. If you’re interested in becoming a new vendor for us, please find information about the application process here. If you’re an existing vendor and you have questions about the event, feel free to email the help desk at (help@ chattanoogamarket.com).

Looking forward to weather that actually feels like it’s fall, as well as a spectacular Hooch!


I will like to be added to wait list for food truck please

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Hi Chasty - I’ll get you added.

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Sarah, what’s the cost for the two days, and do you set up on Friday

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We would like to come for this.

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Hi JP - it’s only 1 day for the arts/crafts vendors. Just that Saturday. No Friday set up for arts vendors. And it’s the usual River Market booth fee of $29, plus 10% at the end of the day.

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Awesome! We’d love to see you! Sign ups go live tonight!

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Silly question. When you say roll call is at 7 does that mean we can start setting up at 7 or we need to be set up by 7? I did the orientation but it was last year and I can’t remember.

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The setup process begins at roll call - booth selection, etc.

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