Erlanger Market is moving to Wednesdays!

Big news - the Chattanooga Market at Erlanger will be shifting from Fridays to Wednesdays starting in September!

When we first launched at Erlanger (pre-COVID), Friday’s were the day – and it was a very successful market. Post-COVID, there have been changes at the medical center and many offices/services are closed on Fridays. Our market has felt that impact, and momentum has been difficult.

In speaking with the Erlanger staff, they recognize that their operations have shifted - and that Wednesdays are now their busiest day. Happily, they have discussed it and are in favor of us shifting to mid-week to build a stronger, more vibrant market. We’re super pleased with this change!

Sarah is working on the September registrations now, and those should go live fairly soon. Also, Lauren will be managing the Erlanger Market moving forward (Jake has scheduling conflicts, but will return for the weekend markets).