2024 Strawberry Festival Booth Contest - WINNERS!

Let me start by saying we had many great submissions, and our judges had some very tough decisions to make. It’s hard work, especially tasting the baked goods - but we are willing to make that sacrifice for you!

And now, without further ado, the moment you’ve all been waiting for . . . 2024 Strawberry Festival Booth Contest Winners!!!

Category: Eat, Drink, and Be Berry - (Best Strawberry-Themed Food Product)
Winner: FEDERAL BAKE SHOP - Strawberry Cupcakes

Category: Strawberry Fine [Art] - (Most Creative Strawberry-Themed Art or Craft)
Winner: MOCCASIN BEND SOAP AND BEARD COMPANY - Strawberry Shower Steamers

Category: Jam Packed - (Most Festive Booth Overall)
Winner: DAYLILIES - Strawberry overload: from salsas, to salads, to jams, to shortcakes!

So if you see one of our contest winners this weekend, be sure to give them a round of applause!

And be thinking ahead to what you want to submit for our next contest, coming up on June 30th - Red, White, and Blueberries!