Erlanger Market Registration (effective November 1)

After several years of “getting to know” the Chattanooga Market at Erlanger mini-market, we are going to make changes to its participation process:

  • Reserved Booths will be awarded to long-term Erlanger Market vendors who have demonstrated reliable and sustainable performance at this location, and share our positive attitude for the current location, times and format.
  • The online RSVP registration will be activated to allow prepaid registration for the Erlanger Market. We will reduce the timeline for enrollment to 3 weeks (normally we allow 6 weeks advance registration) to maximize participation opportunity.
  • Vendors who are registered for the Erlanger Market, but miss/skip it without reasonable notification will be temporarily suspended from future Erlanger Markets. We have a waiting list of people who wish to attend the Erlanger Market, and indeed many times could have accommodated them, but last-minute/no-notice cancellations from others have disrupted that opportunity. That’s unfair to everyone involved.

There has also been some vendor chatter about moving the Friday Erlanger Market to another day of the week. Over the last several years, we’ve tracked consistent earnings growth from the Friday Market - this year is higher than last, which is again higher than the year prior. I’m not inclined to move something that is both working and growing, but we will look at alternatives for the sake of curiosity. My instinct is to recommend that those vendors who are unhappy with Friday’s at Erlanger to look elsewhere for a mid-week option (such as Collegedale); not every market is going to be a perfect fit for what it is that you create/sell.

My goal is for these changes to take effect around the November 1 timeframe.

To request a Reserved Booth Space, email with Erlanger Reserved Booth in the subject. Only vendors with a proven/existing participation history with that location will be considered for RBs.

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Chris Thomas,
Could you please clarify Midweek for the Collegedale Market, and thank you for info for Erlanger, have applied several times t be at home he Market, maybe they’re will be an opening

We have had a Wednesday Market as Collegedale for two years now, and intend to continue that opportunity in 2020.

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so glad to hear that its open to everyone now, ive been trying to get involved with this event for a solid year now.


Hi, Chris! On the topic of Fridays at Erlanger, one of the nurses that works there, stopped by my booth. She said that Friday is a half day for the employees and that Monday is a Big day, with everyone there, all day, and why weren’t we setting up then? I told her I would pass that on to the powers that be. I’m happy with Friday, but she asked that I let you know, that the employees (or at least some of them!) would be interested in Mondays, if possible.

Hi Dowe,

I appreciate the information. Erlanger Health Systems has asked that we operate the Market specifically on Fridays, and explicitly on no other days.

So there you go! We are often bound to the restrictions and boundaries set by of our host venues.


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Thanks, Chris! I told her I’d let you guys know, and if she mentions it again, I’ll give her the answer. :blush:

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Just confirming that registration for the Dec 6th and 13th event starts at 3:00 PM not 10:00 AM like the previous ones?
Also wondering why I couldn’t start a new message string for this post?

Denise, all Erlanger Markets load-in at 10am. We’re history by 3pm

Will registration begin again for the new year for the Erlanger Market? TIA

It will; we are going to update the ticketing system over the winter break, so exact timing is TBD

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Thank you looking forward to it!