How are we supposed to pay for the season passes?
By check or on Sign-Up?
Thanks, Jack Pickett
How are we supposed to pay for the season passes?
By check or on Sign-Up?
Thanks, Jack Pickett
Never mind, I found it!
Thanks for the market dates and heads-up re: season passes. Question; Will booth location be included or the option to request/choose beanother step to complete the process?
Just wanted to double check in. I already applied for a season pass but wanted to be sure I didn’t miss the deadline to pay?
I would like to sign up for both the River market and the Chattanooga Market season pass.
Give us until March 1 before you begin to worry/panic… it’s actually quite a time consuming process on our part to review, sort, map, verify, invoice and confirm all the details. I do remember seeing your info in the stack
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