Our Vendor Forum has proven to be a useful tool to effectively communicate new information with our vendor base. It is also a great way for our vendors to ask questions of market management and “talk shop” with other vendors. However, we feel that it has become important to spell out a few guidelines for the use of this space.
Complaints about Market Policies: We understand that you may not always agree with all market policies and regulations. If you have a specific issue this should be brought up in private with market management and should not be brought up as a discussion in the public forum.
Complaints about Fellow Vendors: If you have issues with other vendors this is absolutely not the place to bring them up. Please bring up your issues with market management and they will be dealt with in a private manner.
We do not mean to say that we will censor all information on the page; however, we do not want this to be a space where vendors trash talk or otherwise intimidate their fellow vendors. If we feel that any vendor is abusing this policy, they will be removed from this forum.
Forum Data Removal
You may also request that your account and personal information be removed from this forum by contacting the Help Desk..