I understand that THIS is the public channel (Help Desk) that I am now posting in. My understanding is also that the “private” help desk involves simply emailing something to: help@chattanoogamarket.com. I’ve emailed to the latter a couple of times, but never received any response. Maybe that’s normal. However, yesterday, my truck broke down and I realized I would have to cancel my attendance at today’s market (10/27). I sent a note to help@chattanoogamarket.com as soon as I realized I would not be able to attend. This morning, I woke up paranoid that nobody got my message, and I would be dinged on points for being a no-show. Can someone confirm that the “private” help desk emails are being consumed in a timely manner by someone on the CM staff and, perhaps more specifically, that my email was picked up by someone? Thanks!
Hi David,
Yes, the emails to help@chattanoogamarket.com are reviewed and we received yours. We don’t always get a chance to respond on Sundays due to the event taking the priority, but we try to respond as soon as possible thereafter.
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