Great news! The Chattanooga Market at Erlanger (aka, the Erlanger Market) is going to reactivate in August! We’re so happy about this, as it truly reverses the last remaining closure due to COVID19. I believe August 6, 2021 will be our first reactivation market.
For those of you unaware, the Erlanger Market is quite small – about 20 vendors max, and they prefer an emphasis on fresh produce/local foods. We typically allow a few craft vendors to participate (consumables such as soaps do well), and we further book this market a month at a time. If you sign up for August, you will be committing to the entire month of Fridays in August.
Because space is so limited, we are going to activate a new feature on SignupGenius which only allows prescreened vendors to register for this event. With less than two dozen spots available, we are going to limit the initial pool of eligible vendors to 24-30 – enough to sell-out, but small enough that the core group of participating vendors will be able to renew from month-to-month and provide stability to the market.
Unlike our other locations, we take participation in this market seriously – no-shows or late cancels are frowned upon, as it clearly prevented another interested vendor from participating at this location. Not attending this event once registered will result in your removal from the Erlanger-approved market vendor list.
To restart this market, priority will be given to the vendors who were supporting it previously – and further curated by product type/diversity, and vendor priority points. To be considered for this market, please fill out the interest form here: Interest Form