Revised Market Hours

We are making some quick adjustments to the market hours/approach for this summer, based on the rapid sell-out of goods at the Collegedale Market on Sunday – plus logistical challenges from not having food/beverage onsite.

Collegedale Market hours, effective immediately, are 10am-2pm on Sundays; Katie Nelson will be the market manager of this location in the upcoming weeks.

Chattanooga Market will be 9am-1pm on Saturdays, 11am-3pm on Sundays during the Essentials phase. Tucker will remain in charge of this location.

Finally, River Market hours will remain 10am-5pm (to align with peak Aquarium hours), but of course we are adding both Saturdays and Sundays to the weekend lineup. Gib will focus on River management to keep a consistent presence with our valued partners.

The marketing ads are going out to print today, and I will updating the registration info ASAP. This should streamline the experience a bit, keep us into the cooler mornings and free up afternoons a bit. As more vendors / food trucks are allowed back, we will extend/modify accordingly.


If already registered for any of the markets for May, do we have to register again?

No / registrations remain intact. Just tightening up on the hours a bit.

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What time will set up begin at the Chattanooga Market since the hours have changed from 9-1. Thanks

Same question for Collegedale (set up times)

Questions noted. We will have answers after our managers meeting on Wednesday.

This is good news! So this year I had planned to work the River Market and the Chattanooga Market. Should I just focus on one and not both? Thanks!

It depends on the State/county as to when we can open up the Chattanooga Markets more
Widely. I would tentatively look towards mid-June/July as a broader opportunity, and only River until then.

I hope that Aug/Sep things might be closer to normal, but it’s outside of our control of course. Just a wish/guess.

Thanks for the info Chris.

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