IV. B. 3. Geographical Restrictions

As our urban centers continue to expand, particularly in larger metros such as Nashville and Atlanta, we do not believe that an arbitrary mile-radius inclusion zone has a positive, warranted, or beneficial impact on the local food system. In fact, we believe the exact opposite — there is a compelling need to help all local farms, particularly as they are driven away from the larger population centers.

But in order to encourage local and regional farm development, and balance our space limitations with increasing demand, we have imposed regional geographical restrictions on our markets:

  • All products must originate in Tennessee or one of our adjoining neighbors: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, or North Carolina.

On occasion, we find a unique situation we didn’t anticipate which challenges our assumptions. Potential new vendors which do not fit into our geographic restrictions should contact us prior to applying if they feel an exemption to this requirement may be appropriate.