The use of a co-packing facility appears to contradict our producer-only mission, as the final product is sold by someone other than the maker. As a blanket rule, products manufactured at a co-packing facility are not allowed to be sold at our Markets.
However, as the burden of regulatory compliance continues to limit the ability for local farms to create value-added products, the market may, at its discretion, make exceptions to this rule. There are two exceptions the market is more willing to consider: Market Vendor Collaborations, and the 100% Farm Rule.
Market Vendor Collaborations
On a case-by-case basis, products manufactured as a collaboration between two or more active market vendors may be allowed to be sold at our Markets.
Examples of permitted market collaborations include:
- packaged chocolate covered kettle corn (collaboration between a packaged food manufacturer and a mobile food unit)
- packaged chili mix (collaboration between a packaged food manufacturer and an award-winning chili competitor)
Prospective collaborations should be sent to us for review prior to manufacturing; only products which support our core producer-only philosophy will be approved. All collaboration permits are temporary (good for one season) and must be renewed annually; we reserve the right to discontinue this practice if we feel the essence of the market is being harmed.
The 100% Farm Rule
In accordance with our mission to help create sustainable agriculture in our region, we will review on a case-by-case basis products manufactured with co packers under the following conditions:
- a local farm wants to create a value-added product using 100% of their farm-grown ingredients (basic ingredients, such as water, sugar, salt, etc. are reasonable exceptions)
- 100% of the finished product is manufactured within our permitted geographical region
- the farm acquires 100% of the finished product batch from the copacker; the final product is made exclusively for the farm.
- the customer is 100% certain about the ingredient source and manufacturing processes used.
Target Products
Our goal is to facilitate value-added products such as:
- a packaged apple cider for where 100% of the apples are from the selling orchard
- a jerky created for a farm using their protein
- a tomato sauce made for a farm using their farm-raised tomatoes
Forbidden Products
The following products
- products created for someone using their secret family recipe (we require either ingredient growth, or direct manufacturing — an idea or marketing effort alone is not sufficient)
- any private-label arrangement
- any product manufactured outside of our geographical territory
Co-packed Product Permits
Prospective products should be sent to us for review prior to manufacturing; only products which support our core producer-only philosophy will be approved. All co-packing permits are temporary (good for one season) and must be renewed annually; we reserve the right to discontinue this practice if we feel the essence of the market is being harmed.
Additional inspection fees (to cover travel costs) may be required.