As we approach our Spring Opening Weekend, I wanted to provide you with a few updates:
When registering for an event, it’s important to select your proper vendor category (see image above). We have different space/zones for different product categories – several people have not selected the correct category. Please do so!
I realize that this is a bit new for some people, so all is forgiven for past errors. Moving forward, vendors registering in the wrong category may have their registration cancelled (and refunded) and spot lost for the errored market. It’s important that we provide opportunity to each category group, and there is no easy way for us to fix your mistake on the backend.
It looks like we are under a dozen open spots for Chattanooga Opening Weekend (Sat/Sun combo); several River Markets are full, as is Collegedale. This is exciting, but please do not procrastinate if you intend to participate in a location. We’ve posted everything well in advance to provide everyone with equal access, but there simply will not be any way we can make more room available until the COVID restrictions are lifted.
If you wish to be notified by email when new markets are posted for registration, you can signup on the individual market registration pages using the blue button (seen below):
Clicking on that button will ask you for your email address, and which markets you want to be notified about; a confirmation email is sent, and you will need to confirm by pressing the link within the email. You can later opt-out of the emails, if so desired.
My goal is to have the next series of markets posted around the first of each month – a rolling calendar, if you will. March/April are currently online – thus May should appear around the first of March. It’s rarely precise, however, and can range from a few days early to a few days late – weekends and other events tend to impact computer/office time. But the email notification happens immediately upon being published, thus it can be handy for some.
Enjoy the sunshine! I’m happy to feel Spring return to Chattanooga, and am looking forward to a great season!