2023 Holiday Market Concession Announcement

Oh, the weather outside is frightful! A chill would be delightful. But the August sun beats down so! Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Despite highs in the upper 90s, you guys are remarkably in the Holiday spirit! We just closed Holiday market sign ups this week, more than 3 months before the event will even take place. And looking through the vendor list, I gotta say, I’m excited about this line up!

For those of you who have signed up, please keep an eye out for your invoices. We’re asking that you make at least a $100 payment each month, and all money should be paid by October 31st. If you have trouble keeping that time frame and want some extra time, please let us know! We’re always happy to work with you where we can. Otherwise, we will be opening up the spots of vendors who are not making a good faith effort to make the payments. Which also means if you missed out on signing up, feel free to check in to see if a booth has opened up.

Aside from announcing the close of the sign ups, we do need to talk about some changes in the way food vendors are allowed to sell and sample their items this season. While in years past, we’ve been asked not to sell anything designed for immediate consumption, the Convention Center has been somewhat tolerant of minor infractions. This year, we have been told vendors will need to strictly comply with this rule. This means all items must be in sealed packaging and cannot be warmed up at the Convention Center.

The only possible exception is sampling. Sampling will be allowed only with express permission from the Convention Center. If you want permission to sample at the Holiday Market, please download the form here, sign it, and send it to the email address listed on the form. Once you have received permission from the Convention Center, please forward it to the help desk (help@chattanoogamarket.com).

We want to be sure we’re welcomed back to the Convention Center next year, so let’s stay on its Nice List by doing as we’re asked! No one wants to spend December at the pavilion. Just ask this guy. BRRRRRR!
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