2023 Holiday Market Load-In and Reminders

In an effort to minimize load-in congestions, we are providing load-in slots for vendors on Friday, December 1. In order for this to work, it requires your cooperation:

  • arrive on time for your load-in slot, but do not arrive too early
  • unload your vehicle quickly to your assigned booth location, and then move/park your vehicle elsewhere outside of the loading zone
  • once your vehicle is parked outside of the loading zone, you can take your time and setup for as long as is needed.

The last load-in slot will be 7pm, and we will go lights-out by 9pm. You may also return at 8am on Saturday to continue the setup process.

Please note, this registration form is configured to only allow those who paid and registered for Holiday Market to secure a load-in slot. You must use the same email address to register as was used on the original paid registration.

Load In Sign ups are here.

Also a quick reminder about the changes in the way food vendors are allowed to sell and sample their items this season. While in years past, we’ve been asked not to sell anything designed for immediate consumption, the Convention Center has been somewhat tolerant of minor infractions. This year, we have been told vendors will need to strictly comply with this rule. This means all items must be in sealed packaging and cannot be warmed up at the Convention Center.

The only possible exception is sampling. Sampling will be allowed only with express permission from the Convention Center. If you want permission to sample at the Holiday Market, please download the form here , sign it, and send it to the email address listed on the form. Once you have received permission from the Convention Center, please forward it to the help desk (help@chattanoogamarket.com).

Last but not least - Early Bird Sign Ups will go live Friday, December 1st and will close Sunday, December 17th at 6:00 p.m. As with last year, there will be no exceptions to this cut off, so mark your calendars, set an alarm, tie a string around your finger, whatever you need to do to reserve your spot early!


Is the Early Bird Sign Ups for next years Holiday Market? If so, will this be on SIgnUp Genius?

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Hi Sarah,

Yes - the Early Bird sign ups are for the 2024 season; however, they will only be available on Sign Up Genius to those who are participating in this year’s holiday market. Everyone else will have the chance to sign up in July 2024.

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Okay, I’ll wait til July and fingers crossed you will have available spots.


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