Facebook or Not? Just Our Two Cents

Hey you hipsters :sunglasses: - think Facebook is too old for you? Think again. The largest part of our social media audience is on Facebook - more than 3x as many users as Instagram. And, the bulk of our audience is women 35-55 years old (Facebook users).

So, help us help you and add Facebook to your social media marketing efforts. Also, if you’re already using Facebook for your business, make sure to “friend” Chattanooga Market AND make your account public (vs. private) so we can find and tag you. :star_struck:

One more marketing plug we’d like to ask for… we LOVE when you tag us! BUT, while we love a good hashtag (#chattamarket) that doesn’t actually prompt us to repost your post. We would have to do a hashtag search to find your post (which isn’t going to happen).

INSTEAD, tag us @Chattamarket on Instagram and @TheChattanoogaMarket on Facebook and we’ll see it right away. We try to repost as much of your social media as we can lay our eyes on :grin:


thanks, my fb is messed up, but we will be using the correct hashtags in the future…

together we win!

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