Forum Change: new Market Reports category for Security

Good morning,

Due to the way the world is changing, particularly as it pertains to spammers and creeps who scrape our websites with technobots and other knowledge which might be used in inappropriate ways, we are changing the way certain information is distributed. On this forum, a new category “Market Reports” has been created for the purpose of sharing our financial stats and updates in a more discrete manner.

General announcements will continue to be “all access viewing” on the forum, so that all existing, new and prospective participants can see what’s going on. Other sections may be restricted; I’m sure spammers will find new ways of finding us, but I personally am tired of my inbox filling up with junk.

Only vendors with accounts flagged as authentic (by a member of our staff) can view posts and comments in this folder; if you (or someone you know) does not have access, just message the Help Desk and we will update your account. A Market Report for this last weekend will be going out within the hour; if you see this message, but not the Market Report, your account may need an adjustment - just let us know.



thank you… the world is getting smaller

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