IV. C. 4. Poultry

Poultry products are under the jurisdiction of the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) of USDA. There are some exemptions to the PPIA (Poultry Products Inspection Act). Exempt operations are exempt from continuous bird-by-bird inspection and the presence of FSIS inspectors during the slaughter of poultry and processing of poultry products and may sell birds they process to the public if they are raised on the producers own farm and they are slaughtered and processed in sanitary conditions suitable for human food.

*Regulations are subject to change and it is the responsibility of the vendor to make sure that they remain compliant and up-to-date. During the application process copies of applicable permits will be requested. For further information please visit.Tennessee Department of Agriculture - TN.gov

Poultry is subject to our insurance requirements.