Holiday Market 2010
We have been exploring options for Holiday Market 2020, and discussing some of the challenges we had in 2019, and have reached a point where we have some decisions to make. There are some advantages to us being at the Convention Center, especially when the weather is foul, but the rates quoted for 2020 are 27% higher than last year. So it’s given us some pause to reflect on what we would like to see in 2020.
Historically, we held a one-weekend Holiday Market at the Pavilion the first weekend in December - we did that for 13 or 14 years. We can go back to that model and be outside for 1 weekend, then inside for the remaining two. Or we can kiss the indoor experience goodbye altogether and stay at the Pavilion for three weekends – and with a bit of investment, we can explore hanging clear tarps around the exterior to cut the wind a bit.
Being at the Pavilion that first weekend would also put us back into the MAINx24 mood - many of which park at the Stadium for that weekend anyway. And we can have our own food/beverage once again! That’s definitely a good point. Overnight security costs are required, so that bumps makes it closer to an Opening Weekend/Oktoberfest fee structure.
Decisions, decisions - what to do?
To give you some idea of the setup costs, here is an approximate cost for each option (Holiday Market 2019 setup was $325/single booth for the three weekends, plus $50 for power = $375)
- Stay Indoors at the Convention Center: $425 + 50 = $475 for 3 weeks
- Do a Combo of 1 weekend @ Pavilion ($90) + 2 weeks at Convention Center (300 + 50) = $440. Not a huge cost benefit with this approach.
Return to Pavilion for three weeks and give up on the Convention Center
$90 x3 weekends = $270 for Basic Pavilion (that you already know and love!),
or keep the fees the same as 2019 and spend the extra budget on clear tarps/windows to wrap the pavilion for a new Winter Pavilion $325. The temperature is definitely not going to change much, but we might be able to cut the wind out and make it somewhat more comfortable.
Ultimately, it’s a $150-200/per booth premium to move indoors into the trade center for Holiday Market - and we lose our food/beverage options as part of that arrangement.
I’m curious to hear what your thoughts are - please vote in the poll below and share your thoughts. We’ve had a good Holiday Market run for the last 6 years, but it never hurts to rethink our options.
Just so that we’re clear – the final decision will not be based on the poll alone (in part, because not everyone involved will vote). But I’m hopeful your feedback will help us to make the best decision.
- Indoors: 3 weeks @ Convention Center ($475)
- Combo: 1 week @ Pavilion, 2 weeks @ Convention Center ($440)
- Winter Pavilion: 3 weeks @ Pavilion with winter tarps/tents and other winterizations ($325)
- Basic Pavilion: 3 weeks @ Pavilion with no modifications ($270)!
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