Holiday Market Report, Week 2

It was a strong weekend, with the highest sales ever recorded in our Holiday Market series. In addition, our combined season sales are at $6.7m - an all-time record, with one more weekend to go.

Important details:

  • load-in slots for Friday, December 15 are online; be sure to grab one if you need ramp access
  • the last day to Early Bird register for 2024 is Saturday, December 16; many people have already done so (congrats). All Early Bird registrations are handled online only.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone this last weekend!

Vendor: Segment ↑ Venue ↑ Sum of Gross Sales Average Gross Sales
Concessions Convention Center $4,154.00 $1,038.50
Subtotal $4,154.00 $1,038.50
Food & Agriculture Convention Center $113,045.90 $1,299.38
Subtotal $113,045.90 $1,299.38
Home Goods Convention Center $115,278.96 $806.15
Subtotal $115,278.96 $806.15
Personal Goods Convention Center $96,097.42 $768.78
Subtotal $96,097.42 $768.78
Total $328,576.28 $915.25


Im assuming the average that ur posting is per day per vendor of weekend not entire weekend. Please confirm.

Always per vendor-day

Cool brother just confirming. Awesome news btw