Market Report 10/23

We had a nice turnout for Scenic City Wings, with 100% of the event proceeds benefitting the Chattanooga Food Bank. It’s been a few years since we had restaurant partnerships with our themes (pre-pandemic), but the crowds responded during what can often be a slower portion of our regular season. We are appreciative of Koch Foods for donating the wings, and for all of the participants for donating their labor/time to raise funds – the food bank does important work.

Vendor sales responded, posting over $93k during the Sunday Market – and collectively an additional $16k during the week from the Wednesday and River Markets.

This upcoming weekend will be the final outing for River – cold weather approaches! The Hooch is on the horizon, and most of our River folks are participating. If you were selected for the Hooch, and haven’t register/paid, then your spot is being forfeited to the next person on the waitlist. And of course, River is the first of our outdoor markets to reopen in the Spring… just a short, cold and frozen break away from 2023!

Halloween is a fun event – please get behind the theme and dress up/be silly. We’re grateful that Chattanooga considers us a “safe space” to bring their kids/families to celebrate, so enjoy the weekend and find your inner kid.