Opening Weekend - Last Call for Packaged Foods

Old school Season One of the Chattanooga Market at the then Cricket Pavilion. -Artist Unknown

We will be processing the River Market today, so a separate update will be made later, but initial feedback was quite positive - many vendors reported “selling out”, and a few said it was a record day for them. That’s such great news, and it’s always great to start the season off with a bang!

The purpose of this update is to remind everyone that Opening Weekend for the Chattanooga Market is just around the corner, and the category protections will expire on March 31; all remaining spots will be released on April 1.

Currently, there is only one category with spots still available:

  • Farms & Foods: space available
  • Arts & Crafts: sold-out
  • Food Trucks: at capacity

We have heard from all of our regular farms, and know their plans – many will be in attendance Opening Weekend, but others will be a few weeks into May before they appear (as has been their historical norm). We have taken their space needs into consideration, and will take care of them once their harvest arrives.

On April 1, all unclaimed spaces will be made available to both Arts & Crafts, and Packaged Foods, on a first-come basis. Most of the remaining spots will be located outdoors, and once they are gone we are firmly sold-out. There is no additional space for food trucks available, and last-minute additions just aren’t possible.

If you have a Season Pass, then your space is confirmed unless you’ve indicated that you will be absent Opening Weekend. One important detail: you need to make payments towards your Season Pass prior to Opening Weekend. If you have a payment complication, please contact the Help Desk to discuss those issues privately.

Also, all Insurance and Permits must be updated and current prior to participation; you will be denied participation without refund if you are not legal/compliant to sell to the public.

It’s going to be an exciting season! I will mention that River Market booths for April have had availability for several weeks now… but they will sellout. My point is that there is ample capacity in of our markets for those who plan ahead, although space does become constrained as the dates approach. Chattanooga Market May events will go online April 1.


Heavenly Hill Honey will be in attendance as it stands for opening weekend

Well Michael - you haven’t yet signed up, and less than two dozen spaces remain. Nothing is guaranteed unless you have a confirmed registration. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Good point. Let’s rephrase, heavenly hill honey endeavors to be there on opening weekend

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