End of Regular Season

It feels odd, but we are basically at the end of our regular season – Holiday Markets are around the corner, but our normal series is done.

I previously shared a quick summary on River Market 2020, which did remarkably well. Out of curiosity, I ran the same reports on Collegedale and was a bit impressed by what I found:

  • 2020: 826 vendor days sold $215,072 of goods = $260 avg
  • 2019: 1,130 vendor days sold $196,364 = $173 avg

Collegedale grew overall almost 10%, and individual vendor sales averages were up 50%! And, this is with the absence of any markets during our normally strong Spring season. So that’s quite terrific.

Both River and Collegedale showed strength - the highlight of 2020. Chattanooga has been operating at full capacity, with solid sales, but the limited footprint has dramatically reduced our normal levels. And of course, Erlanger is completely shut down for the time being. There just isn’t anything we could have done differently, although we are looking forward to a “regular” Opening Weekend 2021! And I do expect Holiday Market 2020 to be healthy and robust – people are anxious to get out of the house and shop for loved ones.

Enjoy this upcoming weekend, it’s the last of our outdoors for many months!


Thanks to the Chattanooga Market team for all your hard work!

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