Holiday Market Report, Week 1

We had a solid opening weekend of the holiday series, posting record weekend sales:

  • Saturday: $158,666.63
  • Sunday: $139,508.67

Our top vendor (in the farm/foods category) took honors both Saturday and Sunday, with combined reported sales of nearly $10k – significantly stronger sales than they have seen in the past. Congrats to them!

One quirk on the table: we don’t have any concessions rights at the CCC, but some of our regular concessionaires created packaged/take-away items for the holiday season - a great strategy.

There were some odd sales patterns over the weekend, with some normally strong vendors not doing as well on Saturday (in spite of strong customer spending) but doing better on Sunday – and the opposite, of course.

A few administrative notes:

  • Access to the facility will begin at 8am on Saturday; public hours are 10am-5pm on Saturday, 11am-5pm on Sunday
  • This upcoming Sunday, everyone in Exhibit Hall A will need to clear out for the week. We’ve spoken to move everyone multiple times, but be sure to firmly understand your stay/leave status.

Several people were surprised by this, most of which are not registered for the vendor forum. This vendor portal is our primary means of publishing important information to our community; moving forward, registration with the forum will align with eligibility to participate in our events.

Early Bird registration continues to remain open this weekend, and will conclude next Saturday Dec 16. To register, use the vendor portal/Signup Genius. If you are unable to Early Bird (denied access), check with the front desk - those without a confirmed forum registration have been removed from the eligibility list and will need to be reinstated once forum enrollment is confirmed.


It was a very strong first week and we expect it to get stronger As weekends progress!

Thanks to Chris and his team for putting on a great venue!